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Writing a Maven Tile

A Maven Tile is made up of a pom.xml and a tile.xml.

The pom.xml is a basic Maven project using the packaging type of tile, and the inclusion of the tiles-maven-plugin, along with release plugin configuration (often coming itself from a tile).

The POM would be minimal, only declaring the name, groupId, artifactId, version, description, and packaging (tile) attributes and generally only a declaration of the Maven Tiles plugin.

The tiles plugin will only have a configuration element defined when using other tiles (generally, you use at least one - a release tile).


  <description>Contains consistent license information.</description>

            <tile>io.repaint.tiles:github-release-tile:[1.1, 2)</tile>

With the packaging tile, the plugin will look for the attached `tile.xml“, do some basic validation on it and attach it as an artifact.

When the <filtering> configuration item is specified as true - then standard Maven resource filtering for @project.version@ style references is applied to the tile.xml file prior to install/deploy.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>

Using Snapshots of Tiles

-SNAPSHOT versions of tiles work when installed into your local ~/.m2/repository, however - if you wish to use a published SNAPSHOT - you will need to declare a <repository> in your pom.xml that support SNAPSHOTs.

Review the introduction to repositories section on the Apache Maven website.

If you don’t wish to include <repository> definitions in your project source, declaring them in an activated <profile> in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file is a viable alternative.

This introduces an element of inconsistentcy/non-reproducability to your build and should be done with care.

Transcluding Tiles

A tile can define the tiles plugin if it wishes to cascade tile inclusion, or it can use the extended tile.xml syntax:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>



Although this will appear to not validate when editing in an IDE, the tile plugin will strip off the tiles section when processing and use it directly.